This short page contains all the information related to Kherblog - if you want to contact with me then you can simply email me - betweenxthedots@gmail.com or DM me on Instagram but I encourage you to read this section - it can answer lots of questions. In this section you'll find the blog history, some information about me such as skin type and skin concerns or even allergies and obviously - brands I've been working with + other projects related (or not) to Kherblog that I've been working on.


What this blog is all about
This blog is all about beauty & lifestyle - but mostly about Asian Beauty & natural skincare. This blog is all about health, nature and herbs. This blog is about you and about me. I’ve created this blog in March 2016 because I was bored and I felt like my language started to go back to basics. The same month I’ve dropped out of university and I’ve started to write this blog in both English and Polish but after long time in October 2017 I’ve decided to focus on writing this blog in English to save some time for education.

The meaning of the name.
The first name of this blog - betweendots - is related to the art style which I use in my graphic portfolio. After 9 months I’ve decided to change name to Kherblog because I mainly focus on kbeauty and herbs.
K(orean) + Herb(s) + (b)Log = Kherblog

Bambi, also known as Emilia or Mika. A tiny person with pink hair and irrational sense of humor. Probably the person you would never believe that can handle to do 10 things at the same time. Grew up in places such as Germany and Hungary, currently living in Poland where her life is all about work and figuring out what to do next. She’s a green tea lover - no matter if it’s in food, in a cup or in a beauty product. Her favourite skincare ingredients are Centella Asiatica Extract, Adenosine and Niacinamide. She’s not a dermatologist or any other specialist. She dropped out of pharmacy studies due to several issues including some lacks of educational program, she’s just loves to read medical researches and study chemistry - her primary love was music and art but she ended up working as an IT support specialist.

Instagram account called betweendots is my little space where I post a new picture every day. I’ve started it without knowing anything about Instagram but it turned out to be my main project.

I’ve started Pinterest as a way to find some inspiration, every day I add new pins to the board - I focus not only about beauty but photography, architecture, food, fashion and lifestyle.

Skin Type
Skin Tone
NW10 or below - neutral undertones
Skin Concerns
Blemishes (PIE), acne, blackheads and dehydration
Wheat/Gluten and Soy Oil.
Hair Type
Coloured, normal with a sensitive scalp.
Why I prefer to post reviews after 30 days?
Average skin cycle takes 28 days - it takes 28 days at least to see the results of using a product on the skin. I prefer to make post after such a long time to let the readers know if the product is really worth a try.

I do not
  • publish post written by someone else than me - I respect my readers and I’m fully aware that it’s easy to spot if I was the author of the post of someone else that’s why I do not publish post written by someone else
  • publish “scripted” review - it’s my blog, it’s my work and it’s my skin so let me share my opinion about the product and how it influenced my skin.
  • I hardly ever post banners on my blog - I care about aesthetic
  • I do not allow using my photos without my permission
  • I’m not a magician or a mentalist so I won’t forecast how your skin will react to each product. I know what works for me, it took me long time to learn, I can only share with you the knowledge I got from studying medical researches, I can only tell you if the ingredient/substance was used in ancient times and how it was used, I can tell you that it might be bad or good for you but I can’t tell you how your skin will react to each ingredient or product. Every skin is different and a base of healthy relationship with your skin is understanding.

But I can
  • write an unique article just for you or your brand
  • take and edit photos or even make a graphic design - preferably a traditional piece
  • make a short video about your product/brand or a tutorial *I'm still working on this step
  • help you understand your skin
  • tell you where to start your skincare - start with visiting a doctor and dermatologist or if it’s needed visit a gynecologist too. Healthy skin is strongly related to your diet, health and lifestyle.
  • talk with you about skincare and life - if it’s needed.
  • bake a cake - depends on season it can be pumpkin pie or cheesecake. *** this position do not contains gluten ***
  • find a good store to get a product in an affordable price
  • tell you what these strange stamps on the product or website means. * it’s a beta version, I can help you to decode Russian and Ukrainian alphabet, I can try to help you with Hangeul but I’m still learning that’s why it’s a beta.
People and brands that already has trusted me:
The Body Shop
Liferia PL
Alive Lab


This blog contains affiliate links and sponsored posts - if I decided to publish a post which contains any of these two then you can find a description in the bottom of the post ***this post contains…***. You don’t need to feel obligated to use these links but they are really helpful to me - they help me pay for simple things such as domain (nope, I do not spend that money - if I get any - on coffee or even worse on cosmetics).

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